We are looking forward to hearing from you! 

Do you have a question, an idea for improving the product, want to adjust your insurance or simply give us your opinion? We look forward to hearing from you.

A dog sitting on a boat in the sea

How would you like to get in touch with us?

We are here 7 days a week to offer you the best possible service.

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Calingo Insurance AG
Reinhardstrasse 19
CH - 8008 Zurich

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Frequently asked questions

How can I report a vet visit?
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It is best to report your vet visit directly online under "Report vet visit". It is best to have all the necessary information about your vet visit ready (date, location, invoice, diagnosis, etc.).

Can I change my base insurance package with Calingo at will?
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Of course, as with your own health insurance, you can also adjust the insurance cover for your furry friend. Simply let us know your change requests and we will make the desired adjustment for the next contract year.

I would like to switch to Calingo. What do I need to consider?
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Good decision, we are already looking forward to you :) Before you take out a policy with us, make sure you get out of your current contract. You can always leave your insurance after a claim. The other option is to submit a written notice of cancellation at least 3 months before renewing your policy. If you have any questions or something is not clear, you can of course contact us, we will be happy to help.

By the way, with Calingo you can always cancel when you want. We don't want to force you to stay with us if you are not happy with us. 

Is Calingo an insurance company?
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No. Calingo is an MGA (Managing General Agent). Simpego Versicherungen AG is responsible for the product as risk carrier (insurance). Simpego ensure, among other things, that the claims you submit are covered at all times and pay them out to you. Calingo is responsible for the distribution of the product.

You would like to partner up with us and hence work with us?

Contact us now and we will get back to you promptly for an initial exchange. 

A kitten lying on a table